Ayurvedic Spa Treatments

Ayurvedic Therapies


This is the perfect treatment for you to arrive within yourself.

Abhyanga has been an integral component of the Ayurvedic system of bodily rejuvenation for centuries.  From the perspective of panchakarma, or the classical protocol for detoxification, one of the primary purposes of this massage is to support the safe cleansing of the physical body. Through abhyanga, the tissues are saturated with sneha, or oil, which helps to gently dislodge impurities and deliver them to the digestive tract to be eliminated from the body.  Abhyanga is also known to balance the channels and mediums that comprise the subtle body, which include the nadis (subtle energy pathways), srotas (tissue-carrying channels), doshas (elemental qualities), vayus (subtle movment currents), and chakras (energetic centers), which results in a deep sense of pure santosha, or contentment.

Some benefits of Abhyanga

  • Nourishes the entire body and decreases the effect of aging

  • Supports muscle tone and vigor in all; bodily tissues (dhatus)

  • Lubricates the joints

  • Increases circulation

  • Stimulates the internal organs of the body

  • Removes toxins and impurities from the body

  • Acts as a lymphatic stimulant

  • Increases stamina

  • Calms the nervous system

  • Supports better and deeper sleep

  • Enhances vision

  • Supports hair growth, allowing for it to be shiny and thick

  • Pacifies Vata, Pitta, and Kapha alike


In Ayurveda, the nose is considered the direct route to the brain and also the doorway to consciousness. It is the entrance for prana, the life force, which is carried into the body through the breath. Healthy uncongested breathing is important to ensure proper flow of prana throughout the head and body, which has an effect on the health of the entire body-mind

When an excess of bodily fluids accumulates in the sinus, throat, nose, or head areas, it is best eliminated through the nose. Oil can help facilitate the cleansing process, particularly when using Nasya oil, which is a nurturing and nourishing traditional herbal oil for the nasal passages.

A traditional component of a healthy daily routine (Dhynacharya), the benefits of daily nasal lubrication with Nasya Oil abound, from moisturizing the inside of your nose to soothing and protecting the nasal passages, helping to relieve sinus congestion, releasing tension in the head, and relieving accumulated stress. Balancing for Vata, Pitta, and Kapha, Nasya Oil is also traditionally said to improve the quality of voice, strengthen vision, and promote mental clarity.